Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


A built-in data structure that holds a sequence of elements.


An array data structure that can contain a sequence of elements of any type. Elements are accessed by a numerical index starting at 0. Negative indices are used to count from the back (-1 is the last element, -2 is the second to last, etc.).


var array = ["One", 2, 3, "Four"]
print(array[0]) # One.
print(array[2]) # 3.
print(array[-1]) # Four.
array[2] = "Three"
print(array[-2]) # Three.

Arrays can be concatenated using the + operator:

var array1 = ["One", 2]
var array2 = [3, "Four"]
print(array1 + array2) # ["One", 2, 3, "Four"]

Note: Arrays are always passed by reference. To get a copy of an array that can be modified independently of the original array, use duplicate.

Note: Erasing elements while iterating over arrays is not supported and will result in unpredictable behavior.

Differences between packed arrays, typed arrays, and untyped arrays: Packed arrays are generally faster to iterate on and modify compared to a typed array of the same type (e.g. PackedInt64Array versus Array[int]). Also, packed arrays consume less memory. As a downside, packed arrays are less flexible as they don't offer as many convenience methods such as map. Typed arrays are in turn faster to iterate on and modify than untyped arrays.


There are notable differences when using this API with C#. See C# API differences to GDScript for more information.





Array(base: Array, type: int, class_name: StringName, script: Variant)


Array(from: Array)


Array(from: PackedByteArray)


Array(from: PackedColorArray)


Array(from: PackedFloat32Array)


Array(from: PackedFloat64Array)


Array(from: PackedInt32Array)


Array(from: PackedInt64Array)


Array(from: PackedStringArray)


Array(from: PackedVector2Array)


Array(from: PackedVector3Array)


Array(from: PackedVector4Array)



all(method: Callable) const


any(method: Callable) const


append(value: Variant)


append_array(array: Array)


assign(array: Array)


back() const


bsearch(value: Variant, before: bool = true) const


bsearch_custom(value: Variant, func: Callable, before: bool = true) const




count(value: Variant) const


duplicate(deep: bool = false) const


erase(value: Variant)


fill(value: Variant)


filter(method: Callable) const


find(what: Variant, from: int = 0) const


front() const


get_typed_builtin() const


get_typed_class_name() const


get_typed_script() const


has(value: Variant) const


hash() const


insert(position: int, value: Variant)


is_empty() const


is_read_only() const


is_same_typed(array: Array) const


is_typed() const




map(method: Callable) const


max() const


min() const


pick_random() const


pop_at(position: int)






push_back(value: Variant)


push_front(value: Variant)


reduce(method: Callable, accum: Variant = null) const


remove_at(position: int)


resize(size: int)




rfind(what: Variant, from: int = -1) const




size() const


slice(begin: int, end: int = 2147483647, step: int = 1, deep: bool = false) const




sort_custom(func: Callable)



operator !=(right: Array)


operator +(right: Array)


operator <(right: Array)


operator <=(right: Array)


operator ==(right: Array)


operator >(right: Array)


operator >=(right: Array)


operator [](index: int)

Constructor Descriptions

Array Array()

Constructs an empty Array.

Array Array(base: Array, type: int, class_name: StringName, script: Variant)

Creates a typed array from the base array. All arguments are required.


class_name MyNode
extends Node

class MyClass:

func _ready():
    var a = Array([], TYPE_INT, &"", null) # Array[int]
    var b = Array([], TYPE_OBJECT, &"Node", null) # Array[Node]
    var c = Array([], TYPE_OBJECT, &"Node", MyNode) # Array[MyNode]
    var d = Array([], TYPE_OBJECT, &"RefCounted", MyClass) # Array[MyClass]

Note: This constructor can be useful if you want to create a typed array on the fly, but you are not required to use it. In GDScript you can use a temporary variable with the static type you need and then pass it:

func _ready():
    var a: Array[int] = []

Array Array(from: Array)

Returns the same array as from. If you need a copy of the array, use duplicate.

Array Array(from: PackedByteArray)

Constructs an array from a PackedByteArray.

Array Array(from: PackedColorArray)

Constructs an array from a PackedColorArray.

Array Array(from: PackedFloat32Array)

Constructs an array from a PackedFloat32Array.

Array Array(from: PackedFloat64Array)

Constructs an array from a PackedFloat64Array.

Array Array(from: PackedInt32Array)

Constructs an array from a PackedInt32Array.

Array Array(from: PackedInt64Array)

Constructs an array from a PackedInt64Array.

Array Array(from: PackedStringArray)

Constructs an array from a PackedStringArray.

Array Array(from: PackedVector2Array)

Constructs an array from a PackedVector2Array.

Array Array(from: PackedVector3Array)

Constructs an array from a PackedVector3Array.

Array Array(from: PackedVector4Array)

Constructs an array from a PackedVector4Array.

Method Descriptions

bool all(method: Callable) const

Calls the provided Callable on each element in the array and returns true if the Callable returns true for all elements in the array. If the Callable returns false for one array element or more, this method returns false.

The callable's method should take one Variant parameter (the current array element) and return a boolean value.

func _ready():
    print([6, 10, 6].all(greater_than_5))  # Prints True (3/3 elements evaluate to `true`).
    print([4, 10, 4].all(greater_than_5))  # Prints False (1/3 elements evaluate to `true`).
    print([4, 4, 4].all(greater_than_5))  # Prints False (0/3 elements evaluate to `true`).
    print([].all(greater_than_5))  # Prints True (0/0 elements evaluate to `true`).

    print([6, 10, 6].all(func(number): return number > 5))  # Prints True. Same as the first line above, but using lambda function.

func greater_than_5(number):
    return number > 5

See also any, filter, map and reduce.

Note: Unlike relying on the size of an array returned by filter, this method will return as early as possible to improve performance (especially with large arrays).

Note: For an empty array, this method always returns true.

bool any(method: Callable) const

Calls the provided Callable on each element in the array and returns true if the Callable returns true for one or more elements in the array. If the Callable returns false for all elements in the array, this method returns false.

The callable's method should take one Variant parameter (the current array element) and return a boolean value.

func _ready():
    print([6, 10, 6].any(greater_than_5))  # Prints True (3 elements evaluate to `true`).
    print([4, 10, 4].any(greater_than_5))  # Prints True (1 elements evaluate to `true`).
    print([4, 4, 4].any(greater_than_5))  # Prints False (0 elements evaluate to `true`).
    print([].any(greater_than_5))  # Prints False (0 elements evaluate to `true`).

    print([6, 10, 6].any(func(number): return number > 5))  # Prints True. Same as the first line above, but using lambda function.

func greater_than_5(number):
    return number > 5

See also all, filter, map and reduce.

Note: Unlike relying on the size of an array returned by filter, this method will return as early as possible to improve performance (especially with large arrays).

Note: For an empty array, this method always returns false.

void append(value: Variant)

Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of push_back).

void append_array(array: Array)

Appends another array at the end of this array.

var array1 = [1, 2, 3]
var array2 = [4, 5, 6]
print(array1) # Prints [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

void assign(array: Array)

Assigns elements of another array into the array. Resizes the array to match array. Performs type conversions if the array is typed.

Variant back() const

Returns the last element of the array. Prints an error and returns null if the array is empty.

Note: Calling this function is not the same as writing array[-1]. If the array is empty, accessing by index will pause project execution when running from the editor.

int bsearch(value: Variant, before: bool = true) const

Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a before specifier can be passed. If false, the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array.

var array = ["a", "b", "c", "c", "d", "e"]
print(array.bsearch("c", true))  # Prints 2, at the first matching element.
print(array.bsearch("c", false)) # Prints 4, after the last matching element, pointing to "d".

Note: Calling bsearch on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior.

int bsearch_custom(value: Variant, func: Callable, before: bool = true) const

Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search and a custom comparison method. Optionally, a before specifier can be passed. If false, the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. The custom method receives two arguments (an element from the array and the value searched for) and must return true if the first argument is less than the second, and return false otherwise.

Note: The custom method must accept the two arguments in any order, you cannot rely on that the first argument will always be from the array.

Note: Calling bsearch_custom on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior.

void clear()

Clears the array. This is equivalent to using resize with a size of 0.

int count(value: Variant) const

Returns the number of times an element is in the array.

Array duplicate(deep: bool = false) const

Returns a copy of the array.

If deep is true, a deep copy is performed: all nested arrays and dictionaries are duplicated and will not be shared with the original array. If false, a shallow copy is made and references to the original nested arrays and dictionaries are kept, so that modifying a sub-array or dictionary in the copy will also impact those referenced in the source array. Note that any Object-derived elements will be shallow copied regardless of the deep setting.

void erase(value: Variant)

Removes the first occurrence of a value from the array. If the value does not exist in the array, nothing happens. To remove an element by index, use remove_at instead.

Note: This method acts in-place and doesn't return a modified array.

Note: On large arrays, this method will be slower if the removed element is close to the beginning of the array (index 0). This is because all elements placed after the removed element have to be reindexed.

Note: Do not erase entries while iterating over the array.

void fill(value: Variant)

Assigns the given value to all elements in the array. This can typically be used together with resize to create an array with a given size and initialized elements:

var array = []
array.fill(0) # Initialize the 10 elements to 0.

Note: If value is of a reference type (Object-derived, Array, Dictionary, etc.) then the array is filled with the references to the same object, i.e. no duplicates are created.

Array filter(method: Callable) const

Calls the provided Callable on each element in the array and returns a new array with the elements for which the method returned true.

The callable's method should take one Variant parameter (the current array element) and return a boolean value.

func _ready():
    print([1, 2, 3].filter(remove_1)) # Prints [2, 3].
    print([1, 2, 3].filter(func(number): return number != 1)) # Same as above, but using lambda function.

func remove_1(number):
    return number != 1

See also any, all, map and reduce.

int find(what: Variant, from: int = 0) const

Searches the array for a value and returns its index or -1 if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed.

Variant front() const

Returns the first element of the array. Prints an error and returns null if the array is empty.

Note: Calling this function is not the same as writing array[0]. If the array is empty, accessing by index will pause project execution when running from the editor.

int get_typed_builtin() const

Returns the built-in type of the typed array as a Variant.Type constant. If the array is not typed, returns @GlobalScope.TYPE_NIL.

StringName get_typed_class_name() const

Returns the native class name of the typed array if the built-in type is @GlobalScope.TYPE_OBJECT. Otherwise, this method returns an empty string.

Variant get_typed_script() const

Returns the script associated with the typed array. This method returns a Script instance or null.

bool has(value: Variant) const

Returns true if the array contains the given value.

print(["inside", 7].has("inside")) # True
print(["inside", 7].has("outside")) # False
print(["inside", 7].has(7)) # True
print(["inside", 7].has("7")) # False

Note: This is equivalent to using the in operator as follows:

# Will evaluate to `true`.
if 2 in [2, 4, 6, 8]:

int hash() const

Returns a hashed 32-bit integer value representing the array and its contents.

Note: Arrays with equal content will always produce identical hash values. However, the reverse is not true. Returning identical hash values does not imply the arrays are equal, because different arrays can have identical hash values due to hash collisions.

int insert(position: int, value: Variant)

Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array (pos == size()). Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success, or one of the other Error values if the operation failed.

Note: This method acts in-place and doesn't return a modified array.

Note: On large arrays, this method will be slower if the inserted element is close to the beginning of the array (index 0). This is because all elements placed after the newly inserted element have to be reindexed.

bool is_empty() const

Returns true if the array is empty.

bool is_read_only() const

Returns true if the array is read-only. See make_read_only. Arrays are automatically read-only if declared with const keyword.

bool is_same_typed(array: Array) const

Returns true if the array is typed the same as array.

bool is_typed() const

Returns true if the array is typed. Typed arrays can only store elements of their associated type and provide type safety for the [] operator. Methods of typed array still return Variant.

void make_read_only()

Makes the array read-only, i.e. disabled modifying of the array's elements. Does not apply to nested content, e.g. content of nested arrays.

Array map(method: Callable) const

Calls the provided Callable for each element in the array and returns a new array filled with values returned by the method.

The callable's method should take one Variant parameter (the current array element) and can return any Variant.

func _ready():
    print([1, 2, 3].map(negate)) # Prints [-1, -2, -3].
    print([1, 2, 3].map(func(number): return -number)) # Same as above, but using lambda function.

func negate(number):
    return -number

See also filter, reduce, any and all.

Variant max() const

Returns the maximum value contained in the array if all elements are of comparable types. If the elements can't be compared, null is returned.

To find the maximum value using a custom comparator, you can use reduce. In this example every array element is checked and the first maximum value is returned:

func _ready():
    var arr = [Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(2, 0), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(0, 2)]
    # In this example we compare the lengths.
    print(arr.reduce(func(max, val): return val if is_length_greater(val, max) else max))

func is_length_greater(a, b):
    return a.length() > b.length()

Variant min() const

Returns the minimum value contained in the array if all elements are of comparable types. If the elements can't be compared, null is returned.

See also max for an example of using a custom comparator.

Variant pick_random() const

Returns a random value from the target array. Prints an error and returns null if the array is empty.

var array: Array[int] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
print(array.pick_random())  # Prints either of the four numbers.

Variant pop_at(position: int)

Removes and returns the element of the array at index position. If negative, position is considered relative to the end of the array. Leaves the array unchanged and returns null if the array is empty or if it's accessed out of bounds. An error message is printed when the array is accessed out of bounds, but not when the array is empty.

Note: On large arrays, this method can be slower than pop_back as it will reindex the array's elements that are located after the removed element. The larger the array and the lower the index of the removed element, the slower pop_at will be.

Variant pop_back()

Removes and returns the last element of the array. Returns null if the array is empty, without printing an error message. See also pop_front.

Variant pop_front()

Removes and returns the first element of the array. Returns null if the array is empty, without printing an error message. See also pop_back.

Note: On large arrays, this method is much slower than pop_back as it will reindex all the array's elements every time it's called. The larger the array, the slower pop_front will be.

void push_back(value: Variant)

Appends an element at the end of the array. See also push_front.

void push_front(value: Variant)

Adds an element at the beginning of the array. See also push_back.

Note: On large arrays, this method is much slower than push_back as it will reindex all the array's elements every time it's called. The larger the array, the slower push_front will be.

Variant reduce(method: Callable, accum: Variant = null) const

Calls the provided Callable for each element in array and accumulates the result in accum.

The callable's method takes two arguments: the current value of accum and the current array element. If accum is null (default value), the iteration will start from the second element, with the first one used as initial value of accum.

func _ready():
    print([1, 2, 3].reduce(sum, 10)) # Prints 16.
    print([1, 2, 3].reduce(func(accum, number): return accum + number, 10)) # Same as above, but using lambda function.

func sum(accum, number):
    return accum + number

See also map, filter, any and all.

void remove_at(position: int)

Removes an element from the array by index. If the index does not exist in the array, nothing happens. To remove an element by searching for its value, use erase instead.

Note: This method acts in-place and doesn't return a modified array.

Note: On large arrays, this method will be slower if the removed element is close to the beginning of the array (index 0). This is because all elements placed after the removed element have to be reindexed.

Note: position cannot be negative. To remove an element relative to the end of the array, use arr.remove_at(arr.size() - (i + 1)). To remove the last element from the array without returning the value, use arr.resize(arr.size() - 1).

int resize(size: int)

Resizes the array to contain a different number of elements. If the array size is smaller, elements are cleared, if bigger, new elements are null. Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success, or one of the other Error values if the operation failed.

Calling resize once and assigning the new values is faster than adding new elements one by one.

Note: This method acts in-place and doesn't return a modified array.

void reverse()

Reverses the order of the elements in the array.

int rfind(what: Variant, from: int = -1) const

Searches the array in reverse order. Optionally, a start search index can be passed. If negative, the start index is considered relative to the end of the array.

void shuffle()

Shuffles the array such that the items will have a random order. This method uses the global random number generator common to methods such as @GlobalScope.randi. Call @GlobalScope.randomize to ensure that a new seed will be used each time if you want non-reproducible shuffling.

int size() const

Returns the number of elements in the array.

Array slice(begin: int, end: int = 2147483647, step: int = 1, deep: bool = false) const

Returns the slice of the Array, from begin (inclusive) to end (exclusive), as a new Array.

The absolute value of begin and end will be clamped to the array size, so the default value for end makes it slice to the size of the array by default (i.e. arr.slice(1) is a shorthand for arr.slice(1, arr.size())).

If either begin or end are negative, they will be relative to the end of the array (i.e. arr.slice(0, -2) is a shorthand for arr.slice(0, arr.size() - 2)).

If specified, step is the relative index between source elements. It can be negative, then begin must be higher than end. For example, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].slice(5, 1, -2) returns [5, 3].

If deep is true, each element will be copied by value rather than by reference.

Note: To include the first element when step is negative, use arr.slice(begin, -arr.size() - 1, step) (i.e. [0, 1, 2].slice(1, -4, -1) returns [1, 0]).

void sort()

Sorts the array.

Note: The sorting algorithm used is not stable. This means that values considered equal may have their order changed when using sort.

Note: Strings are sorted in alphabetical order (as opposed to natural order). This may lead to unexpected behavior when sorting an array of strings ending with a sequence of numbers. Consider the following example:

var strings = ["string1", "string2", "string10", "string11"]
print(strings) # Prints [string1, string10, string11, string2]

To perform natural order sorting, you can use sort_custom with String.naturalnocasecmp_to as follows:

var strings = ["string1", "string2", "string10", "string11"]
strings.sort_custom(func(a, b): return a.naturalnocasecmp_to(b) < 0)
print(strings) # Prints [string1, string2, string10, string11]

void sort_custom(func: Callable)

Sorts the array using a custom method. The custom method receives two arguments (a pair of elements from the array) and must return either true or false. For two elements a and b, if the given method returns true, element b will be after element a in the array.

Note: The sorting algorithm used is not stable. This means that values considered equal may have their order changed when using sort_custom.

Note: You cannot randomize the return value as the heapsort algorithm expects a deterministic result. Randomizing the return value will result in unexpected behavior.

func sort_ascending(a, b):
    if a[0] < b[0]:
        return true
    return false

func _ready():
    var my_items = [[5, "Potato"], [9, "Rice"], [4, "Tomato"]]
    print(my_items) # Prints [[4, Tomato], [5, Potato], [9, Rice]].

    # Descending, lambda version.
    my_items.sort_custom(func(a, b): return a[0] > b[0])
    print(my_items) # Prints [[9, Rice], [5, Potato], [4, Tomato]].

Operator Descriptions

bool operator !=(right: Array)

Compares the left operand Array against the right Array. Returns true if the sizes or contents of the arrays are not equal, false otherwise.

Array operator +(right: Array)

Concatenates two Arrays together, with the right Array being added to the end of the Array specified in the left operand. For example, [1, 2] + [3, 4] results in [1, 2, 3, 4].

bool operator <(right: Array)

Performs a comparison for each index between the left operand Array and the right Array, considering the highest common index of both arrays for this comparison: Returns true on the first occurrence of an element that is less, or false if the element is greater. Note that depending on the type of data stored, this function may be recursive. If all elements are equal, it compares the length of both arrays and returns false if the left operand Array has fewer elements, otherwise it returns true.

bool operator <=(right: Array)

Performs a comparison for each index between the left operand Array and the right Array, considering the highest common index of both arrays for this comparison: Returns true on the first occurrence of an element that is less, or false if the element is greater. Note that depending on the type of data stored, this function may be recursive. If all elements are equal, it compares the length of both arrays and returns true if the left operand Array has the same number of elements or fewer, otherwise it returns false.

bool operator ==(right: Array)

Compares the left operand Array against the right Array. Returns true if the sizes and contents of the arrays are equal, false otherwise.

bool operator >(right: Array)

Performs a comparison for each index between the left operand Array and the right Array, considering the highest common index of both arrays for this comparison: Returns true on the first occurrence of an element that is greater, or false if the element is less. Note that depending on the type of data stored, this function may be recursive. If all elements are equal, it compares the length of both arrays and returns true if the right Array has more elements, otherwise it returns false.

bool operator >=(right: Array)

Performs a comparison for each index between the left operand Array and the right Array, considering the highest common index of both arrays for this comparison: Returns true on the first occurrence of an element that is greater, or false if the element is less. Note that depending on the type of data stored, this function may be recursive. If all elements are equal, it compares the length of both arrays and returns true if the right Array has more or the same number of elements, otherwise it returns false.

Variant operator [](index: int)

Returns a reference to the element of type Variant at the specified location. Arrays start at index 0. index can be a zero or positive value to start from the beginning, or a negative value to start from the end. Out-of-bounds array access causes a run-time error, which will result in an error being printed and the project execution pausing if run from the editor.

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