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Inherits: RefCounted < Object

Helper tool to access and edit Mesh data.


MeshDataTool provides access to individual vertices in a Mesh. It allows users to read and edit vertex data of meshes. It also creates an array of faces and edges.

To use MeshDataTool, load a mesh with create_from_surface. When you are finished editing the data commit the data to a mesh with commit_to_surface.

Below is an example of how MeshDataTool may be used.

var mesh = ArrayMesh.new()
mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, BoxMesh.new().get_mesh_arrays())
var mdt = MeshDataTool.new()
mdt.create_from_surface(mesh, 0)
for i in range(mdt.get_vertex_count()):
    var vertex = mdt.get_vertex(i)
    # In this example we extend the mesh by one unit, which results in separated faces as it is flat shaded.
    vertex += mdt.get_vertex_normal(i)
    # Save your change.
    mdt.set_vertex(i, vertex)
var mi = MeshInstance.new()
mi.mesh = mesh

See also ArrayMesh, ImmediateMesh and SurfaceTool for procedural geometry generation.

Note: Godot uses clockwise winding order for front faces of triangle primitive modes.




clear ( )


commit_to_surface ( ArrayMesh mesh )


create_from_surface ( ArrayMesh mesh, int surface )


get_edge_count ( ) const


get_edge_faces ( int idx ) const


get_edge_meta ( int idx ) const


get_edge_vertex ( int idx, int vertex ) const


get_face_count ( ) const


get_face_edge ( int idx, int edge ) const


get_face_meta ( int idx ) const


get_face_normal ( int idx ) const


get_face_vertex ( int idx, int vertex ) const


get_format ( ) const


get_material ( ) const


get_vertex ( int idx ) const


get_vertex_bones ( int idx ) const


get_vertex_color ( int idx ) const


get_vertex_count ( ) const


get_vertex_edges ( int idx ) const


get_vertex_faces ( int idx ) const


get_vertex_meta ( int idx ) const


get_vertex_normal ( int idx ) const


get_vertex_tangent ( int idx ) const


get_vertex_uv ( int idx ) const


get_vertex_uv2 ( int idx ) const


get_vertex_weights ( int idx ) const


set_edge_meta ( int idx, Variant meta )


set_face_meta ( int idx, Variant meta )


set_material ( Material material )


set_vertex ( int idx, Vector3 vertex )


set_vertex_bones ( int idx, PackedInt32Array bones )


set_vertex_color ( int idx, Color color )


set_vertex_meta ( int idx, Variant meta )


set_vertex_normal ( int idx, Vector3 normal )


set_vertex_tangent ( int idx, Plane tangent )


set_vertex_uv ( int idx, Vector2 uv )


set_vertex_uv2 ( int idx, Vector2 uv2 )


set_vertex_weights ( int idx, PackedFloat32Array weights )

Method Descriptions

void clear ( )

Clears all data currently in MeshDataTool.

Error commit_to_surface ( ArrayMesh mesh )

Adds a new surface to specified Mesh with edited data.

Error create_from_surface ( ArrayMesh mesh, int surface )

Uses specified surface of given Mesh to populate data for MeshDataTool.

Requires Mesh with primitive type Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES.

int get_edge_count ( ) const

Returns the number of edges in this Mesh.

PackedInt32Array get_edge_faces ( int idx ) const

Returns array of faces that touch given edge.

Variant get_edge_meta ( int idx ) const

Returns meta information assigned to given edge.

int get_edge_vertex ( int idx, int vertex ) const

Returns index of specified vertex connected to given edge.

Vertex argument can only be 0 or 1 because edges are comprised of two vertices.

int get_face_count ( ) const

Returns the number of faces in this Mesh.

int get_face_edge ( int idx, int edge ) const

Returns specified edge associated with given face.

Edge argument must be either 0, 1, or 2 because a face only has three edges.

Variant get_face_meta ( int idx ) const

Returns the metadata associated with the given face.

Vector3 get_face_normal ( int idx ) const

Calculates and returns the face normal of the given face.

int get_face_vertex ( int idx, int vertex ) const

Returns the specified vertex index of the given face.

Vertex argument must be either 0, 1, or 2 because faces contain three vertices.


var index = mesh_data_tool.get_face_vertex(0, 1) # Gets the index of the second vertex of the first face.
var position = mesh_data_tool.get_vertex(index)
var normal = mesh_data_tool.get_vertex_normal(index)

int get_format ( ) const

Returns the Mesh's format. Format is an integer made up of Mesh format flags combined together. For example, a mesh containing both vertices and normals would return a format of 3 because Mesh.ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX is 1 and Mesh.ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL is 2.

See ArrayFormat for a list of format flags.

Material get_material ( ) const

Returns the material assigned to the Mesh.

Vector3 get_vertex ( int idx ) const

Returns the vertex at given index.

PackedInt32Array get_vertex_bones ( int idx ) const

Returns the bones of the given vertex.

Color get_vertex_color ( int idx ) const

Returns the color of the given vertex.

int get_vertex_count ( ) const

Returns the total number of vertices in Mesh.

PackedInt32Array get_vertex_edges ( int idx ) const

Returns an array of edges that share the given vertex.

PackedInt32Array get_vertex_faces ( int idx ) const

Returns an array of faces that share the given vertex.

Variant get_vertex_meta ( int idx ) const

Returns the metadata associated with the given vertex.

Vector3 get_vertex_normal ( int idx ) const

Returns the normal of the given vertex.

Plane get_vertex_tangent ( int idx ) const

Returns the tangent of the given vertex.

Vector2 get_vertex_uv ( int idx ) const

Returns the UV of the given vertex.

Vector2 get_vertex_uv2 ( int idx ) const

Returns the UV2 of the given vertex.

PackedFloat32Array get_vertex_weights ( int idx ) const

Returns bone weights of the given vertex.

void set_edge_meta ( int idx, Variant meta )

Sets the metadata of the given edge.

void set_face_meta ( int idx, Variant meta )

Sets the metadata of the given face.

void set_material ( Material material )

Sets the material to be used by newly-constructed Mesh.

void set_vertex ( int idx, Vector3 vertex )

Sets the position of the given vertex.

void set_vertex_bones ( int idx, PackedInt32Array bones )

Sets the bones of the given vertex.

void set_vertex_color ( int idx, Color color )

Sets the color of the given vertex.

void set_vertex_meta ( int idx, Variant meta )

Sets the metadata associated with the given vertex.

void set_vertex_normal ( int idx, Vector3 normal )

Sets the normal of the given vertex.

void set_vertex_tangent ( int idx, Plane tangent )

Sets the tangent of the given vertex.

void set_vertex_uv ( int idx, Vector2 uv )

Sets the UV of the given vertex.

void set_vertex_uv2 ( int idx, Vector2 uv2 )

Sets the UV2 of the given vertex.

void set_vertex_weights ( int idx, PackedFloat32Array weights )

Sets the bone weights of the given vertex.