
Inherits: Reference < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Data transformation (marshalling) and encoding helpers.


PoolByteArray base64_to_raw ( String base64_str )
String base64_to_utf8 ( String base64_str )
Variant base64_to_variant ( String base64_str, bool allow_objects=false )
String raw_to_base64 ( PoolByteArray array )
String utf8_to_base64 ( String utf8_str )
String variant_to_base64 ( Variant variant, bool full_objects=false )


Provides data transformation and encoding utility functions.

Method Descriptions

Returns PoolByteArray of a given base64 encoded String.

Returns utf8 String of a given base64 encoded String.

Returns Variant of a given base64 encoded String. When allow_objects is true decoding objects is allowed.

WARNING: Deserialized object can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats (remote code execution).

Returns base64 encoded String of a given PoolByteArray.

Returns base64 encoded String of a given utf8 String.

Returns base64 encoded String of a given Variant. When full_objects is true encoding objects is allowed (and can potentially include code).